Встроенные декоративные стеновые панели

Изоляционная декоративная панель интегрирована в систему теплоизоляции, обладает предосходным внешним видом долгим сроком службы, низким тепловым мостом, энергосберегающими изоляционными характеристиками.Decorative insulation board from the system integration design, the main raw material to buy matching materials to clean room fully automated production process to deal with the cold bridge node to construction details, according to 65% of building energy design requirements than traditional energy-saving construction practices have more insulation, better insulation capabilities. Integrated insulation decorative plate construction, insulation true integration. Insulation decorative plates as a major component of integrated decoration, energy and building integrated through a similar paste compatible with bump-mounted system and body fixation system complement each other, and long-term collaboration in the air handling system and waterproof layer system , the formation and energy conservation, decorative and architectural integration of the overall aesthetic effect.
Our system is quick construction science, time-saving, lower construction costs, improve efficiency and achieve energy efficiency goals, the product will not only improve the decoration of residential building insulation quality, especially for office buildings, shopping malls, hotels, residential and other energy-saving wall insulation outer wall decoration and renovation of old buildings.
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